Thursday, June 21, 2007

The First Post

I wonder who will actually see this blog, not many I suppose seeing as how I'm not going to try and spread the word.
Anyway, it's summer 2007, and alots happening.
Here's whats swimming in the social fishbowl today:
-Big Brother UK 2007 kicked off a while ago, and it's as addictive as ever.
-The European Union struggles (score!) over attempting to create a new constitution.
-Paris Hilton is still in jail, despite being white, rich, and easy.

-Unfortunetly, I'm quite behind on Big Brother, as I'm currently in the United States and they don't show the UK BB here. Luckily enough for me, one of my friends is taping it onto DVDs and sending them over to me from the UK, with a natural delay.
In the last episode I saw, the stiff Leslie decided to leave, the intolerable Seany and the other new guy came in, and Shabnam ran around in circles in the garden. All in all, fairly normal occurances in the Big Brother house.
-I was quite sad to see Leslie go, granted she didn't do much and was fairly removed from current society, she was classic and well mannered. I felt for her, as she didn't deserve to be treated the way she was.
-Seany. Seriously guys? Him? I have a feeling that he's thick as pig shit. Which goes perfectly with the fact he's a gay control freak who whips quilts off of old ladies while they're sleeping.
-Charley is an annoying name dropper that will whore herself for attention, and proudly admits it. Get her out!
-As for the rest of the house, they seem to be a bunch of fine people, naturally all hungry for attention and fame, but besides that..

-I was pleased to here a few hours ago that the European Union may be faltering. According to some recent news stories, they have decided to drop the idea, or at least the name, of a constitution. They're also dropping the extensive use of the EU flag, and the EU anthem. Personally, I would gladly watch the European Union go up in flames. I hate the driving force of the European Union, which has been trying to wipe all national sovereignty away. In short, the EU is up to no good.

-I'm pleased to hear that the lazy-eyed socialite is still behind bars. I'm almost surprised she hasen't found a way to escape yet, I suppose money can buy you absolutely everything, but just not when the public is watching. No doubt weeks after her departure from the place, she'll get daddy to hire some author to publish a tell all book about how a horiffic event changed her into a spiritual guru that only strips on tables sometimes - and even then it's just artistic expression...right?

Well that's all for right now, lets give it a few minutes or hours before I post another one, or at least until someone actually stumbles upon it.
For now, that's all thats swimming in the social fishbowl.

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